Saturday, March 11, 2006

Hi Friends,
This had been in my mind since many years. There had been many things talked about loving your Home, your City, your Village , your State or your Motherland. Among all those, the one that had been most promising from most of the people had been ur love for ur Nation, that is ur Motherland. Through out the world , There are many people promising the last one. Almost all are dedicated to lay even their lives for their nations. They all love their motherland and why not, thats what expected by the whole nation from each other. Even the most known leaders of the world would say , in words, " Love your motherland".

My views are bit different. Well i think bit mixed about loving a motherland. Well what i feel is that, the world today is suffering from a curse, when they say that they love their motherland. Probably, many of you who are reading this would feel as if blowing me to death on hearing this. But I don't care. I will say that loving a motherland is a curse which this world is still carrying in its head. Well for me my motherland would be not the country or the state or the city or the region where I took birth. For me My motherland is Earth. If i am to love my motherland, then i would love this whole earth. And that those who think of loving their different nations, have no right to create that difference or to part what Mother nature has created. Earth is for all equally as ur heart within your body is urs. Your heart beats not only to keep your arms moving, not only to keep your eyes blinking, not only to make your legs walking, but it works for your life, as for your whole body.Your heart beats for you as whole to keep you alive not by parts. Hence to keep this Earth alive and also keep the humanity on earth alive, we have to think for this globe as a whole and not by parts. So does this earth rotates around its axis along with all the nation together, not by part. Sun which rises in east, looks the same in west too. Cloud brings water to all where it appears.When all these things never get partial in playing their part, what right do we have to divide our love for pieces of land.
Friends, if u have love within u then have it for all or for no one.U say that u love your motherland, then i must say that what you feel yours is never yours unless you feel yourself a part of the world as a whole. If wanna feel about motherland then i must share my feeling about it with you, even if you think me anything. For me my motherland is this world, and not my nation where i am born.If i say that I love my Motherland, then i cant make it different from this world. Because, even if we think us different we cant make it practically, because , it will always be a part of this world.We are proud of our Nations in individuals. So shame of us all when we cant make this World be proud as a whole.
What should be nations for us :- Yes the question is very thoughtful. Where does a nation stands in all these. A nation too has to be provided equal importance at a time, but not to create differences but to play its role in this world. As while making a cup of tea, we need to add sugar, tea and water and after all we get a good cup of tea.Similarly, we nations has to play our role by part to make a hopeful world in future as a whole. Only if we desire for a good cup of tea, then we can never get it unless we add the specific materials to it. Thus in the same way, we all in the form of Nations are provided the parts of world by Nature, to work for it, since we cant do a thing at a time for larger areas. So areas in part has been alloted to us. Its bit like a team , in which each and every player has to work equally hard to make a collection of good players and which equally builds a good team. Similarly , we nations have to work individually to our best so that we can join the world team, and present our presentations, before this world, that what have we done for this world and not for a nation individually. Take the example of our house. Say there are four members in a house, each having their individual places in the house, ;say Mom , Dad , Brother and Sister. Say Dad is a very great person who is known by all for his great deeds. Then the house as a whole will be recognized by the words that its the house of that great person. Say that Mom is also a good housewife who understands all the needs of the family and prepares herself equally for the wellbeing of the whole family. She again will represent the house, for being the house of that good lady. Say Brother is a good athlete and Sister is a good student, again they both will join the house as a whole when it will be said that the children living in that house are brilliant. So all their deeds are been together represented as the family living in the house is a great family. Similarly house no. so and so is the pride of the society, which will provide examples to others also to do the same , so that the whole society is blessed with such great family. By this time, the society will be represented by the goods and bads of its contents, then the collections of good and bad society will represent the City or Town or Village, then the collection of City or Town or Village will represent the State , then will come the collection of States which will represent the Nation, Then the collection of nations which will represent the World as a whole if combined.
And the all contents will be decided by percentages , of goods and bads. If the goods are more then bads will have a very worse chance of survival , and there can be a hope for the survival of this World. And if Goods are not multiplying and bads are taking its place, then the destruction of this world is sure to happen now or later. All is in our hands friends. You want simply the Nation u live in or the World which holds the nation you live in.

The most worse thing about us is that we just dont know what we are even or else we would have known what are our duties towards this world.
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These are all my views for I dont know how far are those wanted by you, but my feelings about these is that, I believe I am in the perfect Track Where I know This World needs me And Not only My Nation.

for you and mankind